
  • Dashboard provides a single place for you to review consolidated performance statistics from your account.

  • You're in control of what type of data and format to view it in. It’s easier to use dashboards instead of a single report to arrange or group your account’s data in a meaningful way. 

Dashboard Features

The following dashboard features are available for all MStrategy accounts:

  • Filter: Filter by dimensions

  • Calendar: You can set date range to view the performance by some default choices like yesterday, Last 7 days, Last week,etc., or customize your date range set.

  • Compare: You can toggle on the Compare to to enable the performance data comparison.

    • Selectable comparison choice:

      • Previous period;

      • Previous year(coming soon);

      • Custom: customize the compared date range.


  • Filter setting, calendar setting  control all dashboard performance charts and tables.
  • If users filter by Click Type, then impression data won't be displayed as it is not compatible with Click Type.

View type

KPI View: 

  • By default, impressions is the first metrics shown and the compare to toggle is turned off.

    • The first metrics can be replaced to other metrics by hovering on the card and click edit icon to select the metrics you would like to display in the first card place.

  • You can also select another metrics to display in the second card place and the performance data will automatically applied to the line chart below the cardboard.

Notes: A maximum of the first 2 displayed metrics are allowed to be shown in the line chart. You can replace the displayed metrics by hovering over the card and adjusting accordingly.

  • You can manage the compare data by toggle on/off via calendar set.

  • You can hover on the carousel bar to scroll left or right and view all the KPI metrics displayed in the cardboard.

Market View:


  • Chart view adapts the performance display to the filter and calendar set or update you have made;

  • You can change the metrics of the first and second KPI card to display the performance in chart board;

  • Compare to function  can be enabled via calendar;

  • You can drag the scrolling bar under the chart to customize the market scope to view the market board performance trend with different granularity.


  • Map view adapts the performance display to the filter and calendar set or update you have made;

  • Only the metric performance  in the first KPI card will be displayed in the map board;

  • You can change the metrics to view the performance with map view type;

  • You can hover on the market to view the max top 5 performing destination cities within the market;

  • You can customize the map view mode by zooming in/out or switching to full-screen mode to view the performance;

  • The "Compare to" function can be enabled via calendar.

Destination View: Coming soon

Table view:

  • Table view adapts the performance display to the filter and calendar set or update;

  • The first two metrics in KPI card will be displayed in the first and second place of the table;

  • If no metric selected in the second KPI card, then only the first metric will be displayed;

  • Sort: All fields apart from Strategy/Market Group are sortable;

  • The "Compare to" function can be enabled via the calendar.


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