Q: How many bidding strategies are available on the platform?

A: Two. Visibility and ROAS bidding strategies.

Q: Can I bid for all available markets and devices?

A: All markets are available for selection when creating a strategy, but only those included in the signed IO between you and Kayak will be activated. 

Q: Can I create multiple strategies with the same market set?

A: No, one market can only belong to one strategy at a time.

Q: Can I create multiple strategies with the same hotel set?

A: Yes, you can create up to 5 strategies with the same hotel set. If this limit is exceeded, the system will automatically exclude those hotels from the user's new strategy. It is recommended not to split hotels too granularly. Instead, include all hotels in one strategy and let the algorithm handle clustering based on performance targets.

Q: Can the budget control both BOB cost and Core cost?

A: Yes, budget control is done on a Strategy level, and the cost of a strategy includes both BOB cost and Core cost. However, only BOB bidding can be paused. If a strategy runs out of budget, it will be paused by the system, but hotels and markets associated with the strategy will continue to generate Core costs. The Core cost will not be considered for "No Budget" or "Paused" strategies.

Q: Will the Algorithm optimize the strategy to reach the Avg.Position target as soon as possible or on a monthly basis?

A: The Algorithm aims to reach the Avg. Position target ASAP. ROAS, on the other hand, will be on a monthly/quarterly basis according to the user’s choice.

Q: Can the Algorithm always reach the ROAS target?

A: The Algorithm requires certain conditions to perform, including accumulating at least 3 bookings per week for a strategy. To prevent the Algorithm from being overly conservative, users can set a Minimum Spend target as a learning budget to accumulate enough exposure before achieving the ROAS target.

Q: Can the Algorithm always reach the Position target?

A: Yes, as long as the strategy will not be capped by the monthly/quarterly Spend Cap set by the users or reach the maximum bid which is $20 set by the system.

Q: What kind of role should I assign to a KYK user?

A: You can assign the “Account Admin” role to a KYK user who needs to manage users, hotels, reports, and view strategies.

Q: What kind of role should I assign to a client user?

A: You can assign the "Strategy Manager" role to a client user to manage strategies, hotels, users, and reports.

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