
We provide  5 categories and 17 pre-defined reports to view the performance from different perspectives.

Report list


Views: We Provide Two Kinds of Report View

  • Card view
  • List View

Search: The Report Can be Searched by Field Name or Report Name

Download: Download Data Should be the Data Filtered by the Date Selection

  • Format: CSV

  • By default, all the pre-defined reports show the last 30 days' range
  • Selectable date range: Yesterday, This week(Sun-Yesterday), This week (Mon-Yesterday), Last 7 days, Last Week(Sun-Sat), Last Week(Mon-Sun), Last Working Week (Mon-Fri), Last 14 days, This month, Last 30 days, Last month, Always

Notes: “Always” means the data generated from day 1 to yesterday

  • Custom date set range for each report: [2023-06-01 ~ yesterday]
  • Compare: Previous period, previous year, custom date set

Schedule: Pre-defined Reports Can be Scheduled to be Sent to Your Email

  • One time, the default setting
  • Daily scheduled
  • Weekly scheduled
  • Monthly scheduled
  • The maximum scheduled date of monthly is the 28th(Considering that Feb has only 28 days)

Email Enable:

  • Email scheduled, the report will be sent to you by the schedule
  • Email disabled, the report is stored in the system and you can download it from the history list

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